Crust1.0 Data

Using Python to access Crust 1.0 data files

Gabi Laske, Zhitu Ma, Guy Masters and Michael Pasyanos at Lawrence Livermore National Lab have created a crustal model for the Earth at 1.0 intervals. See this website for more information and to download the crustal data files.

The Crust1.0 website provides only FORTRAN code to access the data. This notebook presents a method to access the data for crustal density and dimension using Python. A similar approach could be easily adapted to access the compressional and shear wave velocities.

import pandas as pd
# Read in the dateset from csv

import pandas as pd

vp = pd.read_csv('/Users/erhepp/fortran/crust1.0/crust1.vp', delim_whitespace=True, header=None, \
                 names=['top_water', 'bottom_water', 'bottom_ice', 'bottom_sed1', 'bottom_sed2', 'bottom_sed3', \
                       'bottom_crust1', 'bottom_crust2', 'bottom_crust3'])

vs = pd.read_csv('/Users/erhepp/fortran/crust1.0/crust1.vs', delim_whitespace=True, header=None, \
                 names=['top_water', 'bottom_water', 'bottom_ice', 'bottom_sed1', 'bottom_sed2', 'bottom_sed3', \
                       'bottom_crust1', 'bottom_crust2', 'bottom_crust3'])

rho = pd.read_csv('/Users/erhepp/fortran/crust1.0/crust1.rho', delim_whitespace=True, header=None, \
                 names=['top_water', 'bottom_water', 'bottom_ice', 'bottom_sed1', 'bottom_sed2', 'bottom_sed3', \
                       'bottom_crust1', 'bottom_crust2', 'bottom_crust3'])

bnds = pd.read_csv('/Users/erhepp/fortran/crust1.0/crust1.bnds', delim_whitespace=True, header=None, \
                 names=['top_water', 'bottom_water', 'bottom_ice', 'bottom_sed1', 'bottom_sed2', 'bottom_sed3', \
                       'bottom_crust1', 'bottom_crust2', 'bottom_crust3'])

print vp.shape, vs.shape, rho.shape, bnds.shape
(64800, 9) (64800, 9) (64800, 9) (64800, 9)
top_water bottom_water bottom_ice bottom_sed1 bottom_sed2 bottom_sed3 bottom_crust1 bottom_crust2 bottom_crust3
0 1.02 0.92 1.93 0.0 0.0 2.55 2.85 3.05 3.34
1 1.02 0.92 1.93 0.0 0.0 2.55 2.85 3.05 3.34
2 1.02 0.92 1.93 0.0 0.0 2.55 2.85 3.05 3.34
3 1.02 0.92 1.93 0.0 0.0 2.55 2.85 3.05 3.34
4 1.02 0.92 1.93 0.0 0.0 2.55 2.85 3.05 3.34
top_water bottom_water bottom_ice bottom_sed1 bottom_sed2 bottom_sed3 bottom_crust1 bottom_crust2 bottom_crust3
0 0.0 -3.69 -3.69 -4.99 -4.99 -4.99 -5.67 -7.15 -11.75
1 0.0 -3.66 -3.66 -4.96 -4.96 -4.96 -5.64 -7.13 -11.74
2 0.0 -3.64 -3.64 -4.94 -4.94 -4.94 -5.62 -7.11 -11.72
3 0.0 -3.62 -3.62 -4.92 -4.92 -4.92 -5.60 -7.09 -11.71
4 0.0 -3.61 -3.61 -4.91 -4.91 -4.91 -5.59 -7.08 -11.70
# Return the closest crustal model grid point values for any given set of latitude longitude coordinates. 
# Parameters are latitude, longitide and either rho or bnds, to access density or dimension, respectivey

def get_crust (qlat, qlong, crust_param):
    # Prevent any float representation uncertainty from pushing latitude and longitude out of range
    if qlat >= 89.999: qlat = 89.999
    if qlat <= -89.999: qlat = -89.999
    if qlong >= 179.999: qlong = 179.999    
    if qlong <= -179.999: qlong = -179.999 
    # Find the closest crust1.0 grid locatio to the requested latitude and longitude
    if qlat >= 0:
        rlat = round(qlat - 0.5) + 0.5
        rlat = round(qlat + 0.5) - 0.5
    if qlong >= 0:
        rlong = round(qlong - 0.5) + 0.5
        rlong = round(qlong + 0.5) - 0.5

    # Determine the index in the crust1.0 files that corresponds to the closest grid location  
    # Information from the crust1.0 readme file
    #   The model is defined from 89.5 to -89.5 deg latitude and -179.5 to 179.5 deg
    #   longitude. Longitudes are the inner loop, i.e. all longitudes are stored
    #   for each latitude, then the next latitude is given. The model starts at
    #   89.5 N and 179.5 W.
    dist_from_north = 89.5 - rlat
    dist_from_west = 179.5 + rlong
    idx = int((dist_from_north)*360 + dist_from_west)
    # Calculate the latitude and longitude of the crust1.0 datapoint, and return the index loacation
    # latitude, longitude and, for each crustal layer, the density data.
    # Information from the crust1.0 readme file on order and meaning of values
    #    1) top of water
    #    2) bottom of water
    #    3) bottom of ice
    #    4) bottom of sediments 1
    #    5) bottom of sediments 2
    #    6) bottom of sediments 3
    #    7) bottom of cryst. crust 1
    #    8) bottom of cryst. crust 2
    #    9) bottom of cryst. crust 3 = Moho (depth to Moho, not crustal thickness!)

    # For this project, we will only use the density values for sediment and crystalline crust layers
    flat = 90 - dist_from_north-0.5
    flon = -180. + dist_from_west+0.5
    if crust_param == 'rho':
        return [idx, flat, flon, round(rho.iloc[idx,0],2), round(rho.iloc[idx,1],2), \
                                             round(rho.iloc[idx,2],2), round(rho.iloc[idx,3],2), \
                                             round(rho.iloc[idx,4],2), round(rho.iloc[idx,5],2), \
                                             round(rho.iloc[idx,6],2), round(rho.iloc[idx,7],2), \
    if crust_param == 'bnds':
        return [idx, flat, flon, round(rho.iloc[idx,0],2), round(bnds.iloc[idx,1],2), \
                                             round(bnds.iloc[idx,2],2), round(bnds.iloc[idx,3],2), \
                                             round(bnds.iloc[idx,4],2), round(bnds.iloc[idx,5],2), \
                                             round(bnds.iloc[idx,6],2), round(bnds.iloc[idx,7],2), \

print get_crust(43.4,-110.7,'rho') 

print get_crust(43.4,-110.7,'bnds') 
[16629, 43.5, -110.5, 1.02, 0.92, 2.11, 2.46, 0.0, 2.74, 2.78, 2.95, 3.28]
[16629, 43.5, -110.5, 1.02, 2.47, 2.47, 1.47, 0.97, 0.97, -17.25, -33.4, -40.43]

Written on October 3, 2017