Get Usgs Comcat Data
Process for retrieving data using USGS ComCat API
Work with a sample JSON for quake data in WA and OR
Learn how to work with the USGS ComCat formats
import json
import pandas as pd
from pprint import pprint
with open("/Users/erhepp/dsi-nyc-6/capstone/project-capstone/RetrieveData/WA-OR-catalog.json") as json_file:
json_data = json.load(json_file)
# print the json, but only the first earthquake as example to shorten output
for key, value in json_data.items():
print key
for key, value in json_data.items():
if key == 'features':
print "first feature"
print value[0]
print key, value
type FeatureCollection
first feature
{u'geometry': {u'type': u'Point', u'coordinates': [-122.6071667, 48.7741667, 16.27]}, u'type': u'Feature', u'properties': {u'rms': 0.21, u'code': u'61297016', u'cdi': 3.8, u'sources': u',uw,us,', u'nst': 31, u'tz': -480, u'title': u'M 3.1 - 4km S of Marietta, Washington', u'magType': u'ml', u'detail': u'', u'sig': 257, u'net': u'uw', u'type': u'earthquake', u'status': u'reviewed', u'updated': 1500447547040, u'felt': 286, u'alert': None, u'dmin': 0.1771, u'mag': 3.1, u'gap': 99, u'types': u',dyfi,geoserve,origin,phase-data,shakemap,', u'url': u'', u'ids': u',uw61297016,us1000955h,', u'tsunami': 0, u'place': u'4km S of Marietta, Washington', u'time': 1498725603370, u'mmi': 2.9}, u'id': u'uw61297016'}
bbox [-126.8669, 42.3306, 3.64, -118.5953333, 48.7741667, 56.45]
metadata {u'status': 200, u'count': 30, u'title': u'USGS Earthquakes', u'url': u'', u'generated': 1501363653000, u'api': u'1.5.8'}
[-126.8669, 42.3306, 3.64, -118.5953333, 48.7741667, 56.45]
event_list = []
for i in range(json_data['metadata']['count']):
event_line = []
event_line += json_data['features'][i]['geometry']['coordinates']
# Show only two event as example
print event_list[0]
print event_list[1]
[u'uw61297016', -122.6071667, 48.7741667, 16.27, None, 3.8, u'61297016', 286, 99, u'uw61297016,us1000955h', 3.1, u'ml', 2.9, u'uw', 31, u'4km S of Marietta, Washington', 0.21, 257, u',uw,us,', u'reviewed', 1498725603370, u'M 3.1 - 4km S of Marietta, Washington', 0, u'earthquake', u'dyfi,geoserve,origin,phase-data,shakemap', -480, 1500447547040, u'']
[u'uw61276967', -121.6675, 48.2565, 8.47, None, 3.8, u'61276967', 31, 74, u'uw61276967,us20009pki', 2.92, u'ml', None, u'uw', 24, u'4km W of Darrington, Washington', 0.32, 143, u',uw,us,', u'reviewed', 1498361114610, u'M 2.9 - 4km W of Darrington, Washington', 0, u'earthquake', u'dyfi,geoserve,origin,phase-data', -480, 1501131675040, u'']
cols = ['id', 'lat', 'long', 'depth', 'alert', 'cdi', 'code', 'felt', 'gap', 'ids', 'mag', 'magType', \
'mmi', 'net', 'nst', 'place', 'rms', 'sig', 'sources', 'status', 'time', 'title', 'tsunami', \
'type', 'types', 'tz', 'updated', 'url']
quakes = pd.DataFrame(event_list, columns = cols)
id | lat | long | depth | alert | cdi | code | felt | gap | ids | ... | sources | status | time | title | tsunami | type | types | tz | updated | url | |
0 | uw61297016 | -122.607167 | 48.774167 | 16.27 | None | 3.8 | 61297016 | 286 | 99 | uw61297016,us1000955h | ... | ,uw,us, | reviewed | 1498725603370 | M 3.1 - 4km S of Marietta, Washington | 0 | earthquake | dyfi,geoserve,origin,phase-data,shakemap | -480 | 1500447547040 | |
1 | uw61276967 | -121.667500 | 48.256500 | 8.47 | None | 3.8 | 61276967 | 31 | 74 | uw61276967,us20009pki | ... | ,uw,us, | reviewed | 1498361114610 | M 2.9 - 4km W of Darrington, Washington | 0 | earthquake | dyfi,geoserve,origin,phase-data | -480 | 1501131675040 | |
2 rows × 28 columns
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 30 entries, 0 to 29
Data columns (total 28 columns):
id 30 non-null object
lat 30 non-null float64
long 30 non-null float64
depth 30 non-null float64
alert 1 non-null object
cdi 30 non-null float64
code 30 non-null object
felt 30 non-null int64
gap 30 non-null int64
ids 30 non-null object
mag 30 non-null float64
magType 30 non-null object
mmi 17 non-null float64
net 30 non-null object
nst 25 non-null float64
place 30 non-null object
rms 30 non-null float64
sig 30 non-null int64
sources 30 non-null object
status 30 non-null object
time 30 non-null int64
title 30 non-null object
tsunami 30 non-null int64
type 30 non-null object
types 30 non-null object
tz 30 non-null int64
updated 30 non-null int64
url 30 non-null object
dtypes: float64(8), int64(7), object(13)
memory usage: 6.6+ KB
u'dyfi,geoserve,impact-link,losspager,moment-tensor,origin,phase-data,shakemap'], dtype=object)
Pull actual data for continental US using USGS API.
This was done in sections, by editing and re-running the code below
import requests
# This is the ComCat reqeust to return earthquakes in WA and OR by lat long box, with magnitude > 2.5
# I did not limit it to dyfi (did you feel it) events, because I want to also examine any changes in
# quake frenqency. I pulled all data from 1970 to end of June 2017.
wc_url = " \
ec_url = "\
# Please do not re-run this section, it pulls a lot of data from the USGS comcat server. This is restricted
# to one month of eastern US data as an example.
# Package the request, send the request and catch the response: r
r = requests.get(ec_url)
# Decode the JSON data into a dictionary: json_data
json_data = r.json()
<Response [200]>
# print the json, but only the first earthquake as example to shorten output
for key, value in json_data.items():
print key
for key, value in json_data.items():
if key == 'features':
print "first feature"
print value[0]
print key, value
type FeatureCollection
first feature
{u'geometry': {u'type': u'Point', u'coordinates': [-98.8858, 36.5142, 5]}, u'type': u'Feature', u'properties': {u'rms': 0.59, u'code': u'100095bz', u'cdi': None, u'sources': u',us,', u'nst': None, u'tz': -360, u'title': u'M 2.8 - 29km ENE of Mooreland, Oklahoma', u'magType': u'mb_lg', u'detail': u'', u'sig': 121, u'net': u'us', u'type': u'earthquake', u'status': u'reviewed', u'updated': 1506477798040, u'felt': None, u'alert': None, u'dmin': 0.239, u'mag': 2.8, u'gap': 109, u'types': u',geoserve,origin,phase-data,', u'url': u'', u'ids': u',us100095bz,', u'tsunami': 0, u'place': u'29km ENE of Mooreland, Oklahoma', u'time': 1498760916660, u'mmi': None}, u'id': u'us100095bz'}
bbox [-99.6323, 32.925, 1.37, -74.9348, 46.1156, 24.51]
metadata {u'status': 200, u'count': 98, u'title': u'USGS Earthquakes', u'url': u'', u'generated': 1507041904000, u'api': u'1.5.8'}
event_list = []
for i in range(json_data['metadata']['count']):
event_line = []
event_line += json_data['features'][i]['geometry']['coordinates']
cols = ['id', 'lat', 'long', 'depth', 'alert', 'cdi', 'code', 'detail', 'dmin', 'felt', 'gap', 'ids', \
'mag', 'magType', 'mmi', 'net', 'nst', 'place', 'rms', 'sig', 'sources', 'status', 'time', \
'title', 'tsunami', 'type', 'types', 'tz', 'updated', 'url']
quakes = pd.DataFrame(event_list, columns = cols)
(98, 30)
quakes.to_csv("./example_pull.csv", index=False),
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 98 entries, 0 to 97
Data columns (total 30 columns):
id 98 non-null object
lat 98 non-null float64
long 98 non-null float64
depth 98 non-null float64
alert 0 non-null object
cdi 64 non-null float64
code 98 non-null object
detail 98 non-null object
dmin 54 non-null float64
felt 64 non-null float64
gap 98 non-null int64
ids 98 non-null object
mag 98 non-null float64
magType 98 non-null object
mmi 12 non-null float64
net 98 non-null object
nst 11 non-null float64
place 98 non-null object
rms 98 non-null float64
sig 98 non-null int64
sources 98 non-null object
status 98 non-null object
time 98 non-null int64
title 98 non-null object
tsunami 98 non-null int64
type 98 non-null object
types 98 non-null object
tz 98 non-null int64
updated 98 non-null int64
url 98 non-null object
dtypes: float64(10), int64(6), object(14)
memory usage: 23.0+ KB
Download complete - now to examine and clean it.
After downloading the separate files for east and west coast, and for smaller year spans, I recombined everything into one US-quake.csv file, 45MB in size. This can be loaded and used as the dataset for this capstone project
import pandas as pd
df = pd.read_csv('US-quake.csv')
(114503, 30)
id | lat | long | depth | alert | cdi | code | detail | dmin | felt | ... | sources | status | time | title | tsunami | type | types | tz | updated | url | |
0 | nc1022389 | -121.873500 | 36.593000 | 4.946 | NaN | NaN | 1022389 | | 0.03694 | NaN | ... | ,nc, | reviewed | 1.576600e+11 | M 3.4 - Central California | 0 | earthquake | focal-mechanism,nearby-cities,origin,phase-data | NaN | 1.481760e+12 | |
1 | nc1022388 | -121.464500 | 36.929000 | 3.946 | NaN | NaN | 1022388 | | 0.04144 | NaN | ... | ,nc, | reviewed | 1.576470e+11 | M 3.0 - Central California | 0 | earthquake | nearby-cities,origin,phase-data | NaN | 1.481760e+12 | |
2 | ci3319041 | -116.128833 | 29.907667 | 6.000 | NaN | NaN | 3319041 | | 2.73400 | NaN | ... | ,ci, | reviewed | 1.576410e+11 | M 4.6 - 206km SSE of Maneadero, B.C., MX | 0 | earthquake | origin,phase-data | NaN | 1.454030e+12 | |
3 rows × 30 columns
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 114503 entries, 0 to 114502
Data columns (total 30 columns):
id 114503 non-null object
lat 114503 non-null float64
long 114503 non-null float64
depth 114498 non-null float64
alert 693 non-null object
cdi 14130 non-null float64
code 114503 non-null object
detail 114503 non-null object
dmin 68118 non-null float64
felt 14130 non-null float64
gap 105961 non-null float64
ids 114503 non-null object
mag 114503 non-null float64
magType 114417 non-null object
mmi 2955 non-null float64
net 114503 non-null object
nst 98355 non-null float64
place 114503 non-null object
rms 108641 non-null float64
sig 114503 non-null int64
sources 114503 non-null object
status 114503 non-null object
time 114503 non-null float64
title 114503 non-null object
tsunami 114503 non-null int64
type 114503 non-null object
types 114503 non-null object
tz 17198 non-null float64
updated 114503 non-null float64
url 114503 non-null object
dtypes: float64(14), int64(2), object(14)
memory usage: 26.2+ MB
Everything is currently text, and there is missing data. This is expected, as not all information is recorded for every quake.
A data dictionary describing this data is availabe at
Of most importance to this project will be time, lat, long, depth, magnitude, mmi and cdi.
time 114514 non-null object
id 114514 non-null object
lat 114514 non-null object
long 114514 non-null object
depth 114509 non-null object
mag 114514 non-null object
mmi 2966 non-null object
cdi 14141 non-null object
All but mmi and cdi are compete.
The Modified Mercali Intensity (mmi) is only computed for quakes that cause damage, and cdi is computed from citizen reports beginning around 2005. The full dataset will be used to examine any changes in earthquake frequency over time, and the smaller dataset of mmi/cdi will be used to calibrate the cdi intensity data. With that done, the slighty larger cdi dataset can be used to explore the relationship between magnitude and intensity, and to validate the current formulas, and to develop new, more regionally focused, formulas.
My evolving list of questions to attempt to answer with this data include …
- have there been any increase or decrease in # of quakes in specific regions?
- by depth, by magnitude, by intensity
- can we group by state, by zip code, by geologic unit, by fault zone …
- need to geocode, and somehow classify geologic characteristics
- can it be correlated to human activity, especially fracking or injection (these are separate)
Are there more discrete regional differences in magnitude/intensity relationship
- Is citizen reported DYFI data, converted to CDI, accurate. Does it correspond with MMI
# Continuous Data
# Convert to float
# lat, long, depth, cdi, dmin, gap, mag, mmi, rms
df[['lat','long', 'depth', 'cdi', 'dmin', 'gap', 'mag', 'mmi', 'rms']] = \
df[['lat','long', 'depth', 'cdi', 'dmin', 'gap', 'mag', 'mmi', 'rms']].apply(pd.to_numeric, errors='coerce')
# Convert to int
# felt, nst, sig, tz(need to learn what this is)
df[['felt', 'nst', 'sig', 'tz']] = df[['felt', 'nst', 'sig', 'tz']].apply(pd.to_numeric, errors='coerce')
# Need to deal with the NaNs before casting as integer
# df['felt'] = df['felt'].astype(int)
# df['nst'] = df['nst'].astype(int)
# df['sig'] = df['sig'].astype(int)
# df['tz'] = df['tz'].astype(int)
# Convert to boolian
# tsunami
df['tsunami'] = df['tsunami'].apply(pd.to_numeric, errors='coerce')
df['tsunami'] = df['tsunami'].astype(bool)
# Convert to date/time
# see:
# example code given in cell below
# time, updated
import datetime
df['time'] = df['time'].apply(pd.to_numeric)
df['updated'] = df['updated'].apply(pd.to_numeric)
df['time'] = df['time'].astype(int)
df['updated'] = df['updated'].astype(int)
df['time'] = df['time'].apply(lambda x: datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(int(x)/1000.0) )
df['updated'] = df['updated'].apply(lambda x: datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(int(x)/1000.0) )
# Convert to ordinal
# alert
# This code will convert, but how to handle blanks, which mean no alert issued?
# Is it OK to make them 0, or does that give some unintended importance?
def ordinize(strval, ordered_list, start_idx, idx_skip):
i = 0
for val in ordered_list:
if strval == val:
return i*idx_skip + start_idx
i += 1
df['alert'] = df['alert'].apply(lambda x: ordinize(x, ['green', 'yellow', 'red'], 1, 1))
df['alert'] = df['alert'].fillna(value=0)
# dummy (if used - not sure they will be needed for any of the project goals)
# magType, net, sources, status
# leave as string (informational and reference only, not needed for model learning or prediction)
# id, code detail, ids, place, title, type, types, url
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 114503 entries, 0 to 114502
Data columns (total 30 columns):
id 114503 non-null object
lat 114503 non-null float64
long 114503 non-null float64
depth 114498 non-null float64
alert 114503 non-null float64
cdi 14130 non-null float64
code 114503 non-null object
detail 114503 non-null object
dmin 68118 non-null float64
felt 14130 non-null float64
gap 105961 non-null float64
ids 114503 non-null object
mag 114503 non-null float64
magType 114417 non-null object
mmi 2955 non-null float64
net 114503 non-null object
nst 98355 non-null float64
place 114503 non-null object
rms 108641 non-null float64
sig 114503 non-null int64
sources 114503 non-null object
status 114503 non-null object
time 114503 non-null datetime64[ns]
title 114503 non-null object
tsunami 114503 non-null bool
type 114503 non-null object
types 114503 non-null object
tz 17198 non-null float64
updated 114503 non-null datetime64[ns]
url 114503 non-null object
dtypes: bool(1), datetime64[ns](2), float64(13), int64(1), object(13)
memory usage: 25.4+ MB
# Deal with missing values
# Depth: 5 missing - delete these rows
df = df.dropna(subset=['depth'])
# magType: 86 missing, fill with 'Unknown' (there is one existing with Unknown)
df['magType'] = df['magType'].fillna(value='Unknown')
# cdi, mmi, felt: Leave as NaN, analysis of mmi cdi/felt relationship will be done for existing values only
# dmin, gap, nst, rms, tz: Leave as NaN, no planned analysis or modeling uses these features.
/Users/erhepp/anaconda/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ SettingWithCopyWarning:
A value is trying to be set on a copy of a slice from a DataFrame.
Try using .loc[row_indexer,col_indexer] = value instead
See the caveats in the documentation:
import sys
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
Int64Index: 114498 entries, 0 to 114502
Data columns (total 30 columns):
id 114498 non-null object
lat 114498 non-null float64
long 114498 non-null float64
depth 114498 non-null float64
alert 114498 non-null float64
cdi 14130 non-null float64
code 114498 non-null object
detail 114498 non-null object
dmin 68118 non-null float64
felt 14130 non-null float64
gap 105961 non-null float64
ids 114498 non-null object
mag 114498 non-null float64
magType 114498 non-null object
mmi 2955 non-null float64
net 114498 non-null object
nst 98355 non-null float64
place 114498 non-null object
rms 108641 non-null float64
sig 114498 non-null int64
sources 114498 non-null object
status 114498 non-null object
time 114498 non-null datetime64[ns]
title 114498 non-null object
tsunami 114498 non-null bool
type 114498 non-null object
types 114498 non-null object
tz 17198 non-null float64
updated 114498 non-null datetime64[ns]
url 114498 non-null object
dtypes: bool(1), datetime64[ns](2), float64(13), int64(1), object(13)
memory usage: 26.3+ MB
id | lat | long | depth | alert | cdi | code | detail | dmin | felt | ... | sources | status | time | title | tsunami | type | types | tz | updated | url | |
0 | nc1022389 | -121.873500 | 36.593000 | 4.946 | NaN | NaN | 1022389 | | 0.03694 | NaN | ... | ,nc, | reviewed | 157660096830 | M 3.4 - Central California | False | earthquake | focal-mechanism,nearby-cities,origin,phase-data | NaN | 1481756564940 | |
1 | nc1022388 | -121.464500 | 36.929000 | 3.946 | NaN | NaN | 1022388 | | 0.04144 | NaN | ... | ,nc, | reviewed | 157646814820 | M 3.0 - Central California | False | earthquake | nearby-cities,origin,phase-data | NaN | 1481756553974 | |
2 | ci3319041 | -116.128833 | 29.907667 | 6.000 | NaN | NaN | 3319041 | | 2.73400 | NaN | ... | ,ci, | reviewed | 157641167870 | M 4.6 - 206km SSE of Maneadero, B.C., MX | False | earthquake | origin,phase-data | NaN | 1454032083640 | |
3 | usp00009ad | -116.402000 | 30.424000 | 33.000 | NaN | NaN | p00009ad | | NaN | NaN | ... | ,us, | reviewed | 157641135300 | M 4.0 - offshore Baja California, Mexico | False | earthquake | origin | NaN | 1415316088071 | |
4 | usp000099y | -116.185000 | 30.757000 | 33.000 | NaN | NaN | p000099y | | NaN | NaN | ... | ,ci,us, | reviewed | 157550821500 | M 4.2 - offshore Baja California, Mexico | False | earthquake | origin,phase-data | NaN | 1454030304990 | |
5 rows × 30 columns
Prototype methods for handling the time data
# Here are the methods for dealing with the two time in milliseconds since the epoch (1970). I'm leaving times
# In the dataframe, I'm leaving the times as 11 digit integors, and for the moment plan to deal with the
# conversions when the times are needed for something. The milliseconds are important in seismology for
# accurate compuation of location and magnitude, it's not clear to me yet whether that will need to be maintained
# for display
import time
ttime = 1481756553974 # example time value for test
s, ms = divmod(ttime, 1000)
print '{}.{:03d}'.format(time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', time.gmtime(s)), ms)
2016-12-14 23:02:33.974
import datetime
import time
ttime = 1481756553974/1000 # example time value for test
print 'ttime:', ttime
print 'fromtimestamp(ttime):',
ttime: 1481756553
fromtimestamp(ttime): 2016-12-14
print 'Now :',
print 'Today :',
print 'UTC Now:', datetime.datetime.utcnow()
d =
for attr in [ 'year', 'month', 'day', 'hour', 'minute', 'second', 'microsecond']:
print attr, ':', getattr(d, attr)
Now : 2017-08-20 13:04:44.009927
Today : 2017-08-20 13:04:44.010349
UTC Now: 2017-08-20 17:04:44.010535
year : 2017
month : 8
day : 20
hour : 13
minute : 4
second : 44
microsecond : 10849
import datetime
ttime = 1481756553974/float(1000) # example time value for test
print ttime
dt = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(ttime)
for attr in [ 'year', 'month', 'day', 'hour', 'minute', 'second', 'microsecond']:
print attr, ':', getattr(dt, attr)
1975-12-14 18:02:33.974000
year : 2016
month : 12
day : 14
hour : 18
minute : 2
second : 33
microsecond : 974000